JFK assassination- What if?

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas. Since then, questions have been asked as to what would have happened if JFK was never killed, who was involved and why Kennedy was killed.

There were three major historical events that were in process when Kennedy died; the Vietnam War and how it was either going to escalate or fade away, the finality of the Civil rights movement and the act for the right of equality between white people and African Americans and men and women.

JFK was committed to running again in 1964 and based on theories; he had a good chance of winning. His popularity rating was at 58% right before the assassination and just after he had served 1,000 days in office as the president. Although he seemed like he had it in the bag, President Kennedy was expecting a tough re-election campaign because of his support of civil rights.

President Kennedy had introduced his historic Civil rights act in June 1963. It was stalled in congress when Kennedy died. After his death, President Lyndon Johnson told the nation that passing the Civil Rights Act would be the best way to honour Kennedy’s legacy and long-time leadership, but it took until July 1964 for Johnson and his allies to get the act approved. If Kennedy had lived on the debate over the Civil Rights Act may have occurred during an election year.

While in office and before he was assassinated, JFK was caught on tape showing his concern about the crisis in Vietnam with the war battling out and was firing questions at two men who had returned from Asia about the situation over there. There were theories that Kennedy would have taken a more safer option if he didn’t die rather then what Johnson did, which was send in more troops.

Although many theories along the way do make perfect sense, how the president, John F. Kennedy would have handled the Vietnam war during an election year or the civil rights act or who was behind the master plan of assassinating him and their reasons behind it remains and forever will be a mystery.

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